The First of 2021 - Project365 Beginnings

So we’ve got through the first week of 2021. And the first week of the third lockdown…It does really feel like we’re just going round and round in circles. It makes you think, how many times can we do the same thing without someone realising it doesn’t work. Repeating the same mistakes never solves problems. I really do believe we need a total lockdown, close everything that isn’t essential, for a month. I have a feeling I’m not alone in feeling extremely anxious and on edge about the rest of this year. It’s got to get better though, somehow.

I recently sold my Sony A6000, an amazing camera which produced some of the best photos I’ve ever taken but I can’t afford to build up a family of lenses for two companies. I have chosen Canon. I have managed to get a DJI drone though with the money I got for the A6000, something I have wanted for such a long time. I’ve always wanted to get some of the aerial shots I’ve seen posted everywhere, hopefully now I will be able to! I look forwward to the calendar pictures for next year!

i started the Project365 again at the start of the year, like last year I’m not going to be taking it 100% seriously. The majority of the images will be from my phone, it’s more of snapshot of what’s happening in my life (which isn’t much…). Like I said in my last post, each week I’m planning on doing a summary post, like this one, with the weeks photos. I am currently posting each photo per day on my personal Instagram page.
