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Highlights and Shadows

Periods of depression, being in the shadows, whilst devastating and debilitating can also be very productive. I've lost motivation for a huge amount of things over the past few months, but surprisingly, gained a lot too.
I'm often too hard on myself, I'm overly critical and more often than not hate my own work. However, this way of thinking while many see it as a bad thing, has helped force myself to get better. I feel like I've improved a few things that otherwise would still be lacking.

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Time to Think

I've been quite quiet the past couple of weeks. My brain went into a bit of a shut down. However it has given me a lot of time to think, occasionally, too much.
Numerous times I've wanted to give up on the Project365. I've got this niggling feeling that won't go away. I feel like I'm not good enough, I have so many ideas and plans but none that seem plausible. It's so infuriating. At this point in time, doing the 365 isn't that enjoyable, however I am improving all be it slowly. I find that more often than not I lose motivation, or simply can't think of any photo ideas. I'm trying not to do shots of the same/similar places too often but that's not easy.

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#TimeToTalk - Mental Health Awareness

So, I originally planned this post to be out yesterday, however it has taken a lot longer than planned to organise and write. Writing about my mental health always requires more time than I plan for.
Thursday 1st February 2018 marked Time to Talk day. Although, a day really isn't enough. It should be time to talk everyday. The following post is probably going to be my most personal and most difficult to write but it's an important one.

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Cervical Cancer Prevention Week 2018

Firstly this is not my usual topic of choice for a blog and it may not be a pleasant idea for some people. However, it is an important one. This week is Cervical Cancer Prevention Week.
I put off having my Cervical Screening Test, otherwise known as the delightful smear test, for a year. The day I received my letter inviting me to go to my GP to have potentially the most embarrassing procedure done was not my idea of fun.

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