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Social Media and Mental Health

Nowadays we are surrounded by social media. Everywhere we look there are things pointing towards being online and active on various websites and apps. Whilst this can provide a positive outcome of feeling connected, social media can also have a negative impact on mental health.

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Photography Photography

The End of 365 Days

I feel like I've failed. I'm getting closer and closer to making the decision to stop doing the Project365. I can't see myself being able to do 365 days of photos anymore.
I've lost all motivation to take/edit a photo every day. In all honesty, the 365 challenge is doing the opposite of what I intended it to do. I had hoped the project would help me find enjoyment in photography again and would allow me to improve my mental health. As it stands right now, my photos are suffering and I'm feeling pretty self-conscious again.

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Photography Photography

Forgotten Gem

I've been playing with my 50mm lens recently. I'd forgotten all about it and never really found any use for it. That was until I did a bit of reading. I've decided to take it with me when we do the Wirral Coastal Walk next month as it is so light and easy to use.
We went for a walk around Shotwick last week as the first practice run. I've never really done a post like this one so warning; lots of photos ahead!

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Photography Photography

Halton Spartans

I went to watch the Halton Spartans yesterday against the Chester Romans. Whilst it wasn't a great result I did make a start on learning a new photography technique. I've never done sport photography so it was a steep learning curve however I'm happy with the results.
Halton Spartans

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Turning Point

Since my last post, "I'm not going out today", I've hit a bit of a turning point. I received some feedback and comments that spurred me on, that gave me a bit more confidence and passion. I made the conscious decision to not care as much.
10 years ago I would take the camera everywhere I went and snap away, coming home afterwards happy with whatever I had. Recently it's been quite the opposite. I'd go out, have an idea in my head and then be left deflated when that idea didn't come to fruition. As it stands, I'm constantly fighting with myself to do the opposite. To embrace what is already happening wherever I am. To be a photographer.

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Highlights and Shadows

Periods of depression, being in the shadows, whilst devastating and debilitating can also be very productive. I've lost motivation for a huge amount of things over the past few months, but surprisingly, gained a lot too.
I'm often too hard on myself, I'm overly critical and more often than not hate my own work. However, this way of thinking while many see it as a bad thing, has helped force myself to get better. I feel like I've improved a few things that otherwise would still be lacking.

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