Sickness and Downtime Week

This past week has been fairly quiet, we've all been unwell with a summer cold - sneezing, sinus pain, headaches & a cough. Lovely.

This week was my last one at my usual Costa, which to be honest, flew by. I'm looking forward to the change in the new store but remain quite nervous. I've now got a week off before the transfer though so we're enjoying some family time.

Being ill with a 13 month old is not exactly what I would call fun. I have had minimal energy and minimal patience for anybody and anything. It's been one of those weeks where my mind went into overdrive and overthinking which inevitably leads to feeling like a failure.

I've had a lot of moments in the past 7 days where I just wanted to give up, but once again, having a strong network around me has helped a lot. It is strange feeling alone, but also supported at the same time. I am just very happy that Matt is now off for 2 weeks so we can tackle Freddie's tantrums and food throwing together.

We have a lot of things planned for this week, soft play, trips to North Wales, visiting family, play dates...basically anything and everything to keep Freddie occupied. There will be lots more photos in the next post!

If you're not already, give my various social media pages a follow, I'm trying to keep them mostly up to date.



Feeling the Overwhelm with High Emotions


A Weekly Roundup - The New Project