A Weekly Roundup - The New Project

For a while I have wanted to do a weekly blog post but always struggled to find the motivation to do so, here's hoping this is the first of many...I have seen a fair few other blog posts doing a similar thing so here we go.

It's been a bit of a 'meh' week if I am honest, not really one I wanted to start this new project off with either. There isn't a huge amount to talk about which admittedly doesn't make thrilling reading.

It's been a mentally tiring one, Freddie is developing so quickly which inevitably leaves me feeling exhausted from being so hyper aware and at least trying to be emotionally available. He is still trying hard to stand and walk, I really don't think it's going to be long.

He's recently started to use straw cups by himself, which takes off some of the needy, clingy part of parenthood nobody fully prepared me for. His individuality and want to be independent is starting to show more and more each day.

I have a week off work starting the 24th July and then starting in August I am moving to a new Costa store. The amount of money I should be able to save just by moving to closer to home is actually insane - around about £200ish a month just on petrol. I'm both excited and nervous at the same time, I've only met the manager so no idea what to expect but I guess I'll soon find out!

My plan going forward for these posts is to make some notes on my day when I do my mood tracker in the Daylio app. I think this is probably the best way to go about it, my memory is shocking at the best of times, quite often I forget what I did yesterday, nevermind a week ago. For now though, I am off to bed to prepare myself for a week of early morning shifts.



Sickness and Downtime Week


Taking Life With Some Ups and Downs