Starting Baby Led Weaning and a Merry First Christmas

All I have always been told is "you can't start weaning before 6 months" with a mix of "he'll let you know when he's ready". It's confusing, like everything else baby related!

So, my breastfeeding journey has officially come to an end and we have started weaning Freddie on to solid foods. I knew it was the right time for both of us to end breastfeeding, or should I more specifically say breast pumping. Towards the end it was starting to get more and more painful and very uncomfortable. Alongside having to keep an eye on my emotions, trying to find enough time in the day and struggling to manage his reflux it seemed the logical thing to do to power through to 6 months then begin the weaning process.

Luckily in a way for me, my supply naturally started to deteriorate so I went through the emotional upset, anger and frustration early on. We have from the beginning, to varying degrees, used formula - of which we found Kendamil to be the best and only one he can stomach. I probably could have continued on but I've always gone with the fed is best motto. Quite frankly, taking my own health into account, it wasn't my main priority.

I have nothing but good things to say about Kendamil, both their milk and the porridge (which has become a Freddie favourite along with bananas) is just such good quality, and even better the fact they use whole milk and natural products. We found it was the perfect combination formula too, when using breastmilk one feed then formula the next, he could handle the transition very well, as opposed to other brands - Cow and Gate and Aptamil, more precisely). I'm eager to try their other 'cereals' available too.

On the topic of good quality foods and products. So far we have found the Ella's Kitchen pouches, and snacks a firm winner with Freddie. There has only been one or two flavours he's been a bit off with...but yet still devoured the whole thing.

We have found the huge variety of flavours and meals available to be amazing. Frankly for someone who hates cooking at the best of times, I don't want to be stood trying to think of recipes whilst he's in the living room screaming his lungs out. What's even better, whatever the flavour is, it does actually taste how it's supposed to! Personally I'm made up I can enjoy one of my favourites with him now...cottage pie!

At the moment we are starting off baby led weaning slowly but surely. As is the case with everything else mum and baby related, I strongly believe doing things our way is the best way. Being a first time parent you can get so many unwanted remarks and suggestions that everything soon becomes very confusing and overwhelming.

At the moment our focus is on flavours and tastes with him enjoying pretty much everything from bananas to 'lamb roast'. He absolutely loves his food and actively dives and thrusts towards the spoon. This past week or so we have introduced 'melty puffs' which kind of look like Wotsits, but are instead healthy fruit/veg alternatives which teach self feeding and hand control. It's incredible watching him, somehow he just knows what to do. Although it's difficult working through the gagging reflex though, it's yet another thing you're not prepared for!

Freddie had his first Christmas which he got through so so well. I thought he'd be completely overwhelmed but no, took it all in his stride.


ps This post has been in my drafts for a little while now, I was contemplating adding to it but never did so I'll share it as is. I'm about to start writing on a new post about the last couple of months, or whatever it is since my last one.


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